Phone: (785) 827-7777 | Email:

Directions to our location:

From I-70 East/West: Take 9th Street Exit south to Iron Ave. Turn east on Iron to 7th Street. Turn south on 7th Street. We are located mid block on the west side of the street.

From I-35 North/South:  Take Crawford Street Exit east to 9th Street.  Turn north on 9th Street to Walnut St. Turn east on Walnut St. to 7th Street. Turn north on 7th Street.  We are located mid block on the west side of the street.

Customer Service

We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service.  Please feel free to contact us if we can help you in any way.

Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CT

(785) 827-7777

(785) 827-7227-fax



Physical Address
116 S 7th St
Salina, KS 67401